Project PI : Yuen Chau
Project Period : 11 November 2011 to 10 November 2014
The objective is to develop new and practical network coding and interference alignment mechanisms to enable an energy-efficient cooperative wireless network that is equipped with the ability to intelligently self-reconfigure and scale in accordance to size, topology and dynamic environment change, to smartly allocate and manage available resource, and to ensure low-overhead, high-rate, reliable wireless communications in urban NLOS environments with disruption-tolerance. Network coding and interference alignment, the two recent advances in communications, have forecast exciting potentials toward the understanding and the exploitation of the key system features, namely, the broadcast and interference aspects of wireless networks. The proposed work entails both theoretic, algorithmic and simulation studies, with a focus on the development and evaluation of practical mechanisms. The proposed research will take an integrated and cross-layer approach, and will take into explicit consideration of system practicalities including topology and channel dynamics, limited channel information, and minimal exchange of information.