1 Day Course on
Systems and Statistical Thinking for Operational Excellence

Prof. Goh Thong Ngee, Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, NUS

14 January 2020


This short course explains how Systems and Statistical Thinking can improve operational efficiency and effectiveness in today’s complex and changing environments. Various examples and interactive discussions will be used to illustrate how insightful and competitive solutions can result from such thinking processes, overcoming possible wastes and shortcomings of the single-subject, deterministic  approach commonly seen in conventional education curricula.

Who Should Attend 

Managers and personnel with responsibilities for problem solving and decision-making in operational analysis, design and execution. The discussions will be generic and not confined to any particular industry or profession.

Course Fee

S$856.00 (incl GST)

For more information and registration, do send an email to tdsskeq@nus.edu.sg / tdsteomw@nus.edu.sg or contact us at +65 6516 5838 / +65 6516 3497


Please click here to register


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